Key Volunteers

Team Davis is coordinated by a large number of very committed volunteers.  We have nearly 90 individuals that regularly serve as coaches, teachers and other leaders. Below is a list of our key volunteers.

Team Davis Board of Directors:

  • Robin Dewey, President
  • Steve Nowicki, Vice President
  • Ann Reioux, Treasurer
  • Kelly McDonald, Secretary
  • Bo Lonnerdal
  • Carrie Dyer
  • Heather Gastellum
  • Martha Ozonoff
  • Mick Petersen
  • Mike Inchausti
  • Sara Kadoch
  • Stella Ruiz

Team Davis Leadership: 

  • Administrative Coordinator — Jules Walton
  • Art Teacher — Lloyd Johnson
  • Communications Coordinator — Brandie Nonnecke
  • Good Foods Class Coordinator — Joan Stayboldt Frank
  • Juniors Program Coordinators — Sara Kadoch, Melissa Wills, Kimberly McCusker
  • Music Teacher — Kelsey Fortune
  • Team Davis Garden Coordinator — Peter Buck
  • Team Photographer — Ann Reioux, Leo Bastino
  • Uniform/Equipment Manager — Terri Clark
  • Volunteer Coordinator — Cindy True

Head Coaches:

  • Basketball: Mike Inchausti, Dominic Costa
  • Bocce: Tom & Kelly Carlson, Lauren Granillo
  • Bowling: Jillian LeDuc
  • Golf: Mike Casey, Bob Clarke, Sean Neal, Mick Petersen and Paul Hosley
  • Long distance running: Bea Bastino, Deb Rains
  • Soccer: Kelly Carlson
  • Softball: Mike Inchausti, Dominic Costa
  • Swimming: Kelly McDonald, Carolee Gregg
  • Tennis: Sally Hosley
  • Track: Bea Bastino, Deb Rains